I give you My Kingdom...loved you before you drew breath, or saw a glimmer of light, or were touched for the very first time....You are My child...Mine! Mine! And I will never give up on you, dear child...never, never, never! I am the One who made you...the One who thought of you...the One who destined you to be filled with My glory....the One who died and bled for You! I am that One...so how could I ever be against you? How could I cast you out and forget about you...pretend you were never there...that would be akin to forgetting about Jesus....or MYSELF...IMPOSSIBLE....Be assured no man controls your destiny, your path....I have given you this life and have planned your steps...and we will never be apart....just because you may have run...I am not scared, trembling or doubtful...Because I know you....I know you....I know you...how can you ever be lost? We are One...never can we be separated...for I am LOVE!
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