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Africa, My Africa
Take Me into your bosom
And I will pour in
My very heart
I will rescue you from
The mud and the mire
And the clay
For You are Mine
A jewel for the nations
A Glory to behold
My shining star
So long neglected
At long last you
Will know Me
As I want to be known
Not just as Father
Not just as Saviour
But as very Spirit
Living God,
Living in you
My chosen
Africa, My Africa
You are Mine
My sugar-sweet people
Of long-planned Glory
You are Mine and will
Know it soon
As a Mother bird
Feeds her chicks
I have longed to
Feed you all that
I have for you
I have given you
Magnificent animals
Glowing rivers,
Raging waterfalls
Deserts so smooth
And mountains so high
Precious diamonds and gold
Too many have taken from
I come to give
Africa, My Africa
You are My bounty
Your hearts are My sought
after treasure
Your hope and faithfulness
Gems to Me
Africa, My Africa
I Am yours