Browsing Archive: July, 2011

Whom the Son Set Free is Free Indeed or is he?

Posted by Jessie Campbell on Friday, July 22, 2011,

When the greatest edict of Christianity has become ‘Be nice’, the Cross has become an offense to believers. Since when did Christianity become emasculated, stripped of all power, force and ultimately truth? Was it through Sunday School lessons where children were given pictures and stories of Jesus as the sweet lamb-holding man with soft hair and eyes? Or was it through the churches when psychology and humanism crept in under the banner of healing, and loving your neighbour, brother ene...

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Heart Sick for a Nation ~ People

Posted by Jessie Campbell on Saturday, July 2, 2011,

No use trying to overcome is impossible, even with God for He is love. So when He binds your heart to a people, a nation, best advice is to relent. Hii ni Kenya yangu.


Was it the numerous healings everywhere we travelled, the salvations in the dirt...sometimes as people sought a meager living from hopeful specks of gold....coming instead to the pearl of great price?


Or street boys (homeless and hungry), eating lunch with us at a fish cafe that served portions big enough f...

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